Spray Booth

Spray Booth
For Non-Type Certified Aircraft

Whether you want to respray your spats or give your entire aircraft a make over, our spray booth can handle it. Not only is it large enough to fit most light aircraft in, it also heat cures all paint work overnight.


Nuts, bolts and oil

We keep a range of popular hardware in stock so that you don’t have to. Everything from AN7 bolts and nuts, to spark plugs, oil and tyres. Our stock is sourced from reliable suppliers and are all vetted by our chief engineer.

Pre-Purchase Inspections

Pre-Purchase Inspections
Know the full story

Pre-purchase inspections or “prebuy” is an examination of components, systems, maintenance records and expensive parts that could need immediate replacement or overhaul. Let us help you make the right decision.


New and used components

We have developed strong relationships with our factory partners to ensure we can source Type and Non-Type certified parts and spares quickly and at the best possible price.

Compass Swings

Compass Swings
As per SACAA requirements

Compass swings need to be done

  • On receipt of a new aircraft
  • When a new compass fitted to aircraft
  • After major structural changes to aircraft.(engine change)
  • After standing on one heading for a long period
  • After a lighting strike
  • After fitting new electronic equipment
  • When the compass is in doubt
  • After carrying a magnetic load.
  • Ideally every 3 months
Mass and Balance

Mass and Balance
As per SACAA requirements

Regulations Part 91.07.11 (4) & (5) of the Civil Aviation Regulations (CAR’s) 1997, as amended, states no person may operate any South African registered aeroplane or helicopter unless its current mass, when empty, has been established by means of a mass-meter and its centre of gravity computed within the preceding five years.

Digital Dynamic Prop Balancing

Digital Dynamic Prop Balancing
Reduce vibration

Dynamic Prop Balance is the process whereby an electronic balance is used to measure the vibration produced by the aircraft power plant. Small trim balance weights are added to the propeller / crankshaft assembly to correct for errors in mass distribution and to reduce power plant vibration due to mass imbalance to the lowest level practical.

You’ll experience better overall performance from your aircraft with dynamic propeller balancing.

Pitot and Static Testing

Pitot and Static Testing
As per SACAA requirements

Unpressurized and pressurized aircraft’s Pitot & Static Systems are both required per CAA regulation to pass Pitot Static System Leak Checks. Pressurized aircraft are tested at much higher altitudes than their unpressurized counterparts. Their allowable leak rates are much smaller (usually 2% of simulated altitude loss in one minute). Unpressurized airframe pitot static systems must be evacuated to an altitude equivalent to 1000 feet above airfield elevation and the static system must not drop more than 100 feet in one minute as indicated on the altimeter.

Ultrasonic Cleaning

Ultrasonic Cleaning
Clean, restore and maintain engine parts

Ultrasonic cleaning can be a powerful tool. This tool emits high frequency sonic energy.  This energy creates billions of microscopic bubbles in the cleaning tank that implode when they come in contact with parts. The implosion creates shock waves that literally blast dirt and grease from the parts, penetrating the smallest crevices and screw holes.

Transponder Testing

Transponder Testing
As per SACAA requirements

There’s a whole lot more to your transponder than a blinking light and an IDENT button. As a aircraft owner or operator, it is important that you stay in compliance and your position reporting equipment is working as intended within the SACAA Regulations.